Sunday, March 11, 2007


Law school has nothing to do with food, drink, or even tea for that matter, but that seems to be the direction that I'm currently in. I'm just going to be another one of the countless 'suits' staring out the window wishing he was in another profession rather then working 70 hour work weeks just to get ahead of the guy down the hall. Depressing as it sounds not all people who work 9 - 5 in the most conventional and conservative of jobs have a heart that reflects the same aspects. This is the raison d'etre for this blog.
I want to explore as much as possible the lighter side of life, especially through food. I'm convinced that the only thing that connects every human being is food. We spent countless hours slaving away over stoves or sitting in restaurants, and then we do it all over again the next day. However, most of the food we eat is simply not that good; we eat our daily dose and thats all we crave. I believe food should is an expression of the person that makes it, bluring the lines of art and functionality. You know that you have experienced this when you have had a meal that looks as good as it tastes. You simply do not what finish the meal because then you cannot look at how it anymore.
This is going to be my escape from everything corporate in my life. A place to show people that food is more then something that is served to them, it is an escape; one to be savored. Every little discovery of food that I find I'm going to post. Because if we can't agree over a meal, I don't know what we can agree over.

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